6 or more servings
YouTube instructional video is at the bottom.
What you’ll need
1 head 10 ounces Romaine lettuce
2 Roma Tomatoes
1 Cucumber
Purple Onion
2 Avocados
1 Stalks Carrots
12 ounces whole black olives
1 load of Italian bread (You can use any type of bread for this recipe)
Organic butter
Light Ranch Salad Dressing (You can use any type of salad dressing for this recipe.
Tools you’ll need
Salad Spinner
Preparation of Ingredients
Step 1-Cut Romaine lettuce down its length in 4 different areas. Cut down to the middle of the lettuce core.
Step 2- Chop lettuce head horizontally until you are near the core. About 5 inches near the core.
Step 3- Rinse chopped lettuce with cold water.
Step 4- Place lettuce into salad spinner and spin lettuce until all water has been removed.
Step 5- Rinse your Cucumber, tomatoes, avocado, carrots with cold water.
Step 6- Chop half of your cucumber into quarter slices.
Step 7- Chop 2 Roma Tomatoes into medium sized quarter slices.
Step 8- Chop half of the purple onion into small bite sized pieces.
Step 9- Shred 2 stalks carrots.
Preparation of croutons
***Preheat oven to 400 degrees***
Step 10- Add 1/2 cups of melted organic butter into a food processor and 3 cloves garlic. Blend for 1 minute.
Step 11- Cut 5 slices of Italian bread. Spread organic butter onto each individual slice of bread on both sides.
Step 12- Cut into medium sized cubes. Place into baking pan.
Step 13- Place into preheated 400-degree oven and bake for 7 minutes. After 7 minutes remove croutons out of oven and let cool completely.
Putting your salad together
Step 14- Add 5 and 1/2 Cups of Romaine lettuce in a large bowl.
Step 15- Add 2/3 or cup chopped tomatoes. Toss all ingredients together
Step 16- Add 1/2 Cup sliced cucumber Toss all ingredients together
Step 17- Add1/2 Cup chopped purple onion Toss all ingredients together
Step 18- Add 1/2 Cup Shredded carrots Toss all ingredients together
Step 19- Add 2/3 Cup Black olives Toss all ingredients together
Step 20- Add 2/3 Cup Chopped Avocado Toss all ingredients together
Step 21- Add 2/3 Cup Croutons Toss all ingredients together
Step 21- Add salad into small separate bowls. Pour a small amount of salad dressing into each bowl. Serves 6 or more people.
Storing your salad.
Keep salad refrigerated at all times. Salad will stay fresh up to 4 days.
YouTube instructional video