Makes 1 Gallon
YouTube instructional video is at the bottom.
What you’ll need
12-ounces fresh Raspberries
8 to 10 medium-sized lemons or 6 large lemons (1 pound and 11 ounces total)
Tools you’ll need
Small food processor
Mesh strainer
Citrus juicer
4-quart plastic pitcher
Preparation of ingredients
Step 1- Cut each lemon in half. Juice the lemon halves with the citrus juicer. Pour the lemon juice along with the pulp and seeds into a measuring cup. Once done you should have 1 and 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice left over.
Quick tip- For the leftover outer skins of the lemons, you can zest those using a citrus zester. You can add the leftover lemon zest into cakes, pies, cookies or ice cream.
Step 2- Add 12 ounces of raspberries into a mesh strainer. Rinse the raspberries off with cold water.
Step 3- Add the raspberries into a small food processor. Blend for 40 seconds.
Assembling and heating the Raspberry lemonade
Preheat fire to medium heat.
Step 4- Add 3 quarts water, 1 and 1/4 cups freshly squeezed lemon juice with the pulp and seeds, the 12 ounces raspberries that you pureed, 1 and 1/4 cups sugar, and 1/4 teaspoon salt into a large 8-quart pot. Let get hot for 8 to 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Once the mixture gets hot, turn fire off and cover pot with a lid. Let cool for 30 minutes stirring occasionally.
Step 5- Pour the raspberry lemonade mixture into a mesh strainer with a large bowl underneath it. Remove the mesh strainer from the liquid. Stir the pulp and seeds in the mesh strainer. This will allow the liquid to drain into the bowl. Discard the pulp and seeds from the lemon and raspberries.
Step 6-Pour the leftover Raspberry lemonade into a 4-quart plastic pitcher. Stir all ingredients together. Cover the top of the plastic pitcher. Place the pitcher into the fridge for 6 to 8 hours or overnight. For best results, you can make this at any time during the day or day before you serve it. Place it into your fridge and let it cool overnight. That way the mixture is cooled before serving.
YouTube instructional video